TOPPAN IDGATE and EBE Collaborate to Introduce eKYC Solution to the Egyptian Market
Cairo, February 2021 – TOPPAN IDGATE, a Toppan Company, and Taiwan-based advanced payment authentication solutions provider, collaborates with Egyptian Bureau of Engineering (EBE), the leading banking solutions provider in Egypt to introduce custom eKYC solutions to the Egyptian market..
In a world where banking transactions gradually shift to digital and mobile platforms, a crucial step to omit fraud is a safe and reliable digital onboarding process. With the advancement of technology, banks can rely on a big repertoire of tools to fight fraudsters. However, not all tools are safe enough to minimize the risk of fraud and are built on industry best-practices.
EBE understands this issue and chose to effectively protect its customers from counterfeiting by implementing a secure eKYC onboarding process. To achieve that, EBE has selected the secure payment authentication solutions provider Toppan iDGate as its contracting company. Together, they aim at safeguarding banking transactions for EBE’s valued customers. By installing iDGate’s system directly at EBE’s data centre, located inside of Egypt, no sensitive data is being transferred outside the country, which is in line with the central bank requirements.
Commenting on the partnership, Ahmad Sanad, General Manager at EBE said: ” We selected Toppan Gravity as our partner in Egypt as their IDen solution portfolio is one of the best in the market in terms of security and accuracy. Thanks to the possibility of deploying the full solution directly in the country, iDGate ensures customer data protection and security. No other solution provider offers the opportunity to install the full solution inside Egypt.”
TOPPAN IDGATE’s solution offering is targeted to prevent fraud during customer onboarding and authentication processes. By covering the whole value chain from capturing customer’s data to transaction approvals during customer retention periods, the company ensures end-to-end security.
“We are pleased to partner with EBE to jointly offer secure eKYC solutions for the Egyptian market,” Eric Chow, Head of International Sales at TOPPAN IDGATE who added, “As a company with a focus on securing not only payment transactions but also information technology services as a whole, we target to ensure a fraud-free and simplified customer onboarding process for EBE’s customers. Thanks to our enhanced biometrics and security authentication techniques, we are able to provide EBE with a highly secure authentication and identity verification solution.”
About EBE
Founded in 1978 the Egyptian Bureau for Engineering (EBE) successfully delivered turnkey solutions to 97% of the banking institutions in Egypt. EBE has a central workshop located in Cairo, Egypt and further workshops and branches throughout Egypt. The company is specialized in offering secure banking solutions and services for POS E-payments, ATMs, full card personalization, cybersecurity as well as advanced systems to secure their customer’s buildings and assets.
For more information, visit https://www.ebe-eg.net/ or contact info@ebetech.com.eg
About Toppan Gravity
Toppan Gravity is a subsidiary of Toppan Leefung, serving as the international development arm of the Toppan Group in the security domain. Being part of the most prestigious conglomerate in the industry with decades of experience and multiple well-known references, Toppan Gravity benefits from Toppan Printing’s strong market position and extensive expertise.
As a global solutions provider primarily focused on the payment and Identity industries, Toppan Gravity aims at developing the next generation of virtual and physical security documents. With the vision of becoming the forerunner in the secure ID and payment industry, the company focuses on driving synergies within the Toppan Group, through strategic acquisitions. Toppan Gravity empowers promising companies having state-of-the-art technology or businesses in emerging markets, including Asia, Africa, and Latin America to enhance their overall performance. Furthermore, the company enables its acquisitions to take advantage of the opportunities presented by its large, diversified group having numerous resources and extensive know-how.
For more information, visit www.toppangravity.com or contact info@toppangravity.com.
TOPPAN IDGATE, acquired by TOPPAN in 2020, was co-founded by a group of tech entrepreneurs with a vision for improving what they saw as a sore spot in the market for identity verification solutions. In a world where we tend to oppose security to user friendliness, TOPPAN iDGate is striving to offer highly secure but also highly convenient authentication solutions, for digital transformation and online banking services. With our combined years of experience developing data security for the finance industry and proven track-record raising successful businesses, the company understands the fine balance between what banks need and what their customers want.
For more information, visit www.toppanidgate.com or contact info@toppanidgate.com.